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Gates Hydraulic Fittings
Gates MegaCrimp Hydraulic Couplings for 1 & 2 Wire Braided Hose
Gates GlobalSpiral Hydraulic Couplings for 4 & 6 Wire Spiral Hose
C5 Field Attachable Fittings
G2 compatible with 100R2 Hydraulic hose only. Field Attachable Couplings
Gates Hydraulic Hoses
Gates Crimpers, Pumps & Dies
Hydraulics - Quick-Disconnect Couplings
Hydraulics - Adapters, Ball Valves
Aeroquip High Performance
Hose Clamps
V-Belts & Sheaves
Cam and Groove Fittings
Lubriplate Lubricants
Gates Hydraulic Fittings
C5 Field Attachable Fittings
Gates SAE C5 Field Attachable Fittings
Brass Dual Seat Female JIC 37°/SAE 45° Flare Swivel
Brass Female SAE 45° Flare Swivel
Steel Dual Seat Female JIC 37°/SAE 45° Flare Swivel
Steel Female SAE 45° Flare Swivel
Steel Male SAE 45° Flare
Steel Male SAE 45° Flare Inverted Swivel
Steel SAE Male Flareless Assembly
45° Elbow Steel Dual Seat Female JIC 37°/SAE 45° Flare Swivel
45° Elbow Steel Female SAE 45° Flare Swivel
45° Elbow Steel Male SAE 45° Flare Inverted Swivel
90° Elbow Steel Dual Seat Female JIC 37°/SAE 45° Flare Swivel
90° Elbow Steel Female SAE 45° Flare Swivel
90° Elbow Steel Male SAE 45° Flare Inverted Swivel
90° Long Elbow Steel Dual Seat Female JIC 37°/SAE 45° Flare Swivel
90° Long Elbow Steel Female SAE 45° Flare Swivel